ABC cancels Agent Carter, Muppets, Castel and more

Peggy Carter’s story is over. TVLine reports that after two seasons, ABC has cancelled Agent Carter. The series, starring Hayley Atwell, aired during Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s midseason hiatus and though it had a passionate fan base, its numbers weren’t enough to fuel the drama. And with underwhelming ratings, it sounds like ABC could no longer justify the cost of telling Peggy’s stories.

In 18 episodes, Agent Carter showed Peggy processing the loss of Steve Rogers and eventually coming to a place of closure—all while kicking some major secret agent ass. She spent season one tackling her grief like she would an enemy and trying to prove herself to her peers at the Strategic Scientific Reserve (S.S.R.). It was a long fight and not always successful, but by the time the second season arrived, Peggy had shown her worth and skills—even if she didn’t really need anyone else to see it.

Agent Carter’s second season ended with her wrapping a case in Los Angeles and a new romantic prospect. I’m sad we won’t see what she does next, but maybe there’s hope for a continuation on Netflix ? The fans know Peggy’s value and are vocal about it.

And unfortunately, that’s not the last bit of bad news I have. ABC has gone a touch cancellation crazy in regards to the 2016-2017 season. Entertainment Weekly reports the following shows will not be returning : The Muppets, Galavant, and Castle. Less Nathan Fillion on our TV ? TERRIBLE.

Do you think there’s hope for any of these series to continue on a streaming service ? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Source :The nerdist du 12/05/16 par AMY RATCLIFFE

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A propos de Hayley Atwell, actrice britannique
Hayley Atwell, née le 5 avril 1982 à Londres, Angleterre, est une actrice britannique. Après plusieurs téléfilms, elle obtient son premier rôle au cinéma dans Le Rêve de Cassandre de Woody Allen aux côtés d’Ewan McGregor et Colin Farrell. En 2008, elle apparait dans The Duchess avec Keira (…)
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