Howard Stark in Marvel’s Agent Carter

According to Hayley Atwell (Agent Carter) has let slip that Dominic Cooper will indeed reprise his role as Howard Stark in Marvel’s Agent Carter. We first reported that Cooper was interested in reprising the role back in January.

Screenwriters Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely have previously discussed a likely recurring role for Cooper in the series, pointing out that the character of Howard Stark will be a recurring guest rather than a regular character in order to maintain the focus on Agent Carter herself.

Dominic Cooper (left) rumored to appear in Marvel’s Agent Carter series

Marvel or ABC are yet to confirm the news so technically this is still in rumor territory.

Source : Agent Carter du 15/06/14

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A propos de Hayley Atwell, actrice britannique
Hayley Atwell, née le 5 avril 1982 à Londres, Angleterre, est une actrice britannique. Après plusieurs téléfilms, elle obtient son premier rôle au cinéma dans Le Rêve de Cassandre de Woody Allen aux côtés d’Ewan McGregor et Colin Farrell. En 2008, elle apparait dans The Duchess avec Keira (…)
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