Hayley Atwell Indicates Dominic Cooper is in Marvel’s Agent Carter

During a recent interview, the star of ABC’s upcoming Marvel’s Agent Carter series, Hayley Atwell, seemed to let it slip that actor Dominic Cooper was going to be appearing on the series as Howard Stark - the role he played in both Captain America : The First Avenger and the Agent Carter One-Shot.

While it seems obvious that the character of Howard Stark would have to be a fixture on the Agent Carter series (as he’s one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. along with Carter), there’d been no official news regarding Cooper. But in Atwell’s chat with The Telegraph, she indicated that Cooper was indeed on board and about to join her on the set.

Atwell, while talking about on-set pranks, mentioned that Cooper was "incredibly naughty." And that “I’m going to start the pranks as early as I can. He will come up with some very good ones, too.”

Dominic Cooper as Howard Stark.

ABC declined to comment to The Wrap on Cooper’s involvement.

Source : IGN UK du 09/06/14 par Matt Fowler

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A propos de Hayley Atwell, actrice britannique
Hayley Atwell, née le 5 avril 1982 à Londres, Angleterre, est une actrice britannique. Après plusieurs téléfilms, elle obtient son premier rôle au cinéma dans Le Rêve de Cassandre de Woody Allen aux côtés d’Ewan McGregor et Colin Farrell. En 2008, elle apparait dans The Duchess avec Keira (…)
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