Agent Carter makes an appearance on Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Fans of the hit ABC Original Series Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. finally got what they have been waiting so very long for as the popular superhero series made their Season 2 Premiere.

We got our very first look at the new landscape that the S.H.I.E.L.D. team would have to operate under thanks to the events that played out in the final episodes of the first season.

As most of you know, HYDRA has infiltrated the S.H.I.E.L.D. organization at the highest levels.

Now, it will be up to Director Coulson, who was given the job by Nick Fury at the end of the Season One Finale, and the rest of his team to rebuild the organization to the level of respectability that they once had while defending the world from some of the most dangerous enemies from deep within the shadows.

In last week’s premiere, we took a look way back into the history of the S.H.I.E.L.D. organization and took a look at a mysterious and rather dangerous O-8-4 that was obtained from HYDRA during World War II. You know, around the time of our favorite patriotic superhero.

Then, fans were treated to a little surprised when the people who were to retrieve the O-8-4 were none other than Peggy Carter and her team.

Did you miss the episode the first time around ? Maybe you just want to see it again ? No matter which one applies to you, here is a look at Peggy Carter’s guest appearance in the Season Two Premiere of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Source FanSided du 28/09/14 par Tasha Meares

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A propos de Hayley Atwell, actrice britannique
Hayley Atwell, née le 5 avril 1982 à Londres, Angleterre, est une actrice britannique. Après plusieurs téléfilms, elle obtient son premier rôle au cinéma dans Le Rêve de Cassandre de Woody Allen aux côtés d’Ewan McGregor et Colin Farrell. En 2008, elle apparait dans The Duchess avec Keira (…)
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